Responsible consumption and circular economy

Responsible consumption and circular economy

Responsible consumption and circular economy  12-18 yeas u Responsible consumption and recycling } 2-5 sessions  Presentation | Reflection SDG 13, 17 View before downloading EDUCACLIMA_PPT_Consumo_resp_y_eco_circular_sub DOWNLOADWITH...
Greenhouse effect

Greenhouse effect

Greenhouse effect  12-18 yeas u Climate change } 2-5 sessions  Presentation | Reflection SDG 13 View before downloading EDUCACLIMA_PPT_Efecto_invernadero_sub DOWNLOADWITH NOTES...
Climate change and water resources

Climate change and water resources

Water resources and climate change  12-18 yeas u Water } 2-5 sessions  Presentation | Reflection SDG 6, 13 View before downloading EDUCACLIMA_PPT_recursos_hidricos_sub DOWNLOADWITH NOTES...
Climate change and water resources

Climate change and ecosystems

Climate change and ecosystems  12-18 yeas u Nature and biodiversity } 2-5 sessions  Presentation | Reflection SDG 13, 14, 15 View before downloading EDUCACLIMA_PPT_CC_y_ecosistemas_sub DOWNLOADWITH NOTES...
My ecological footprint

My ecological footprint

Calculate my ecological footprint  8-12 years u Waste and responsible consumption } 1 session  Reflection w Cooperative work SDG 12, 13 View before downloading Downloads EDUCACLIMA-MI-HUELLA-ACTIVIDAD-fin Full...